17 research outputs found

    Conceptes bàsics de programació i Python, orientat a 1r de Batxillerat

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    En aquest document trobarem de manera barrejada nocions bàsiques sobre el nostre llenguatge de programació, en aquest cas Python i nocions generals de programació i algorísmia. S’ha optat per aquest format perquè la programació és una matèria que de manera natural permet anar alternant els exercicis pràctics amb alguns conceptes teòrics o directament aplicar aprenentatge basat en problemes. El llenguatge Python s’ha anat fent popular com alternativa lliure i gratuïta a altres plataformes de desenvolupament, especialment en aplicacions científiques. Pertany a la família dels llenguatges interpretats. Això vol dir que, en temps d’execució (mentre nosaltres fem córrer el programa), es van executant les instruccions d’una en una a una mena de màquina virtual. Això facilita la trobada de possibles errors de programació i la seva correcció, així com la portabilitat del codi d’una màquina a una altra o d’un sistema operatiu a un altre. Com els altres llenguatges interpretats, Python permet declarar variables a mida que les necessitem, no cal declarar-les a priori ni fer un anàlisi de quins tipus ens caldran o quina mida i precisió han de tenir per contenir les nostres dades. Això es pot considerar pràctic, però és un bon exercici fer un plantejament previ de les variables, els seus tipus i dimensions per agafar bons hàbits de programació. També és un bon costum posar noms descriptius a les variables, a les funcions i posar un mínim de comentaris al codi per facilitar-ne la llegibilitat, per altres persones, i per nosaltres mateixos en el futur.2021/202

    Contribució als mètodes d'obtenció i representació de vistes d'objectes reals per aplicacions interactives.

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    En aquesta tesi s'han realitzat una sèrie d'experiments per tal de cercar, identificar, caracteritzar i comparar diversos mètodes d'obtenció de vistes d'objectes reals per aplicacions interactives de realitat augmentada, telepresència o altres que puguin idear-se en el futur. Durant el desenvolupament dels mètodes trobats, de naturalesa diversa, han sorgit dificultats que han fet aprofundir aquest treball en l'àmbit de la geometria de la síntesi de vistes, la reconstrucció de l'estructura tridimensional dels objectes, l'acceleració de certs algoritmes amb l'ajut del maquinari existent o la portabilitat de les dades a través de la xarxa.Concretament, s'han identificat tres mètodes que poden satisfer els requeriments plantejats. El primer, accés a vistes d'objectes comprimides en fitxers, es basa en l'organització de les dades presentada, la capacitat de compressió dels algoritmes i el suport del maquinari a la tasca de descompressió. El segon mètode, reconstrucció tridimensional i projecció emprant el coprocessador gràfic, aprofita les altes prestacions d'aquests últims, impulsats per les necessitats del mercat. El tercer, selecció d'un conjunt representatiu de vistes i interpolació entre elles, aprofita les propietats de la rectificació de tres vistes i l'exactitud de la interpolació de vistes si es disposa d'un mapa de disparitat prou dens. Aquesta necessitat ha connectat aquest mètode amb el segon, al que cal el model tridimensional reconstruït, ja que hi ha una equivalència entre les dues expressions de la informació. Per la comparació dels resultats dels mètodes estudiats, s'han seguit tres criteris: - El primer, òbviament, el de la qualitat de les vistes obtingudes de l'objecte. Ha calgut identificar les principals fonts d'error en els processos i cercar uns avaluadors d'aquest error. A més d'aquests numèrics se n'han cercat de subjectius ja que el destinatari de les vistes serà un ésser humà. - El temps d'obtenció d'una vista (important per la interactivitat), projectat a les plataformes tecnològiques existents o previsibles.- La mida de les dades necessàries per cadascun dels mètodes, que limitarà la portabilitat de la visualització dels objectes. Durant la realització d'aquesta tesi, s'han realitzat algunes contribucions, la majoria d'elles ja publicades, que es poden resumir en:- Disseny d'una metodologia per la representació d'objectes a partir de conjunts de vistes i mètodes de síntesi. En aquesta metodologia s'ha presentat un protocol per l'adquisició i ordenació de les dades, idees per la selecció del conjunt mínim de vistes, un criteri per gravar la mínima informació necessària, ajuts a l'obtenció de la informació tridimensional de l'escena necessària, i un algoritme ràpid i general de síntesi de vistes.- Supressió de les restriccions geomètriques del mètode de síntesi per rectificació de tres vistes, permetent generalitzar la ubicació de la càmera virtual i optimitzar la distància del pla de reprojecció per maximitzar l'àrea de la vista interpolada.- Especificació de l'algoritme de síntesi de vistes pel mètode de rectificació de tres vistes, de forma que es pugui implementar amb processadors tipus DSP o conjunts d'instruccions específiques dels processadors CISC, per assolir les necessitats de les aplicacions interactives.- Presentació d'un mètode de refinament de models tridimensionals obtinguts per space carving mitjançant estereovisió. El mètode combina dues tècniques conegudes de visió per ordinador obtenint un millor resultat en la reconstrucció tridimensional.- Acceleració del mètode de reconstrucció tridimensional per projecció de vòxels amb la utilització de mapes de distància, estructures en arbre i el coprocessador gràfic present en els computadors personals. Els resultats obtinguts en la tesi s'han adaptat per aplicar-se a un projecte de simulació de situacions de conducció en carreteres amb realitat augmentada, desenvolupat per la UPC i la Universitat de Toronto i un segon de representació remota de vistes d'objectes arqueològics, desenvolupat per la UPC, la UB i un conjunt d'universitats estrangeres.This work shows a set of experiments to identify, characterize and compare several methods for obtaining real object views in interactive applications such as augmented reality, telepresence or other future developments. While developing those methods, the problems found have induced a deeper study of view synthesis geometry, object three-dimensional structure, hardware process acceleration and data portability through the internet. Three methods have been found that meet the ends of this work. First, file-stored object-view access rests in data organization, compression- algorithm capabilities and hardware support to decompression. The second method, 3D object reconstruction and graphic coprocessor based projection, takes advantage of market driven GPU evolution. Finally, the representative view-set selection and interpolation method, uses the three-view-rectification properties and the precision of view interpolation when a dense-enough disparity map is available. This last requirement binds the second and third methods in the need of a good 3D object reconstruction, 3D models and disparity maps being two expressions for the same data. To compare the method results three criteria have been used: - Object view image quality. It has been necessary to identify the main source of errors on the processes and to find some evaluators for those errors. As the results of the process are images to be shown to humans, with those numerical evaluators a subjective evaluator has been used too. - Process time, important for the interactivity aim, calculated with current technology but projected to next foreseeable platforms. - Amount of data that must be recorded in each method, which will be a key point for portability. While developing this work, some contributions have been achieved and they can be summarized as:- Design of a methodology to represent any object view from a reduced set of views and synthesis methods. The methodology includes a protocol to acquire and organize data, ideas for a minimum view set selection, a criterion to record the minimum amount of data, improvements in obtaining the three-dimensional structure of the scene and a fast and general synthesis algorithm.- Suppression of some geometric restrictions in the three-view-rectification method, allowing a more general positioning for the virtual camera and a maximization of the virtual image area through the distance to the reprojection plane.- A complete specification for the modified three-view rectification and view interpolation method allowing its implementation with DSP or MMX instructions to achieve the requirements of interactive applications. - Presentation of a method to refine three-dimensional models obtained by space carving through stereovision. This method combines two well-known computer vision techniques to achieve a better result in 3D reconstruction. - Acceleration of the space carving 3D reconstruction method with the use of an octree voxel organization, projection to special distance maps and taking advantage of the GPU performance to speed-up the projection. Some of the results of this work will be used in the construction of an augmented reality driving simulator (UPC- University of Toronto) and the implementation of a remote viewer of archaeological objects (UPC - UB - other universities)

    Performance evaluation of secondary control policies with respect to digital communications properties in inverter-based islanded microgrids

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    A key challenge for inverted-based microgrids working in islanded mode is to maintain their own frequency and voltage to a certain reference values while regulating the active and reactive power among distributed generators and loads. The implementation of frequency and voltage restoration control policies often requires the use of a digital communication network for real-time data exchange (tertiary control covers the coordi- nated operation of the microgrid and the host grid). Whenever a digital network is placed within the loop, the operation of the secondary control may be affected by the inherent properties of the communication technology. This paper analyses the effect that properties like transmission intervals and message dropouts have for four existing representative approaches to secondary control in a scalable islanded microgrid. The simulated results reveals pros and cons for each approach, and identifies threats that properly avoided or handled in advance can prevent failures that otherwise would occur. Selected experimental results on a low- scale laboratory microgrid corroborate the conclusions extracted from the simulation study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    LTI ODE-valued neural networks

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    A dynamical version of the classical McCulloch & Pitts’ neural model is introduced in this paper. In this new approach, artificial neurons are characterized by: i) inputs in the form of differentiable continuous-time signals, ii) linear time-invariant ordinary differential equations (LTI ODE) for connection weights, and iii) activation functions evaluated in the frequency domain. It will be shown that this new characterization of the constitutive nodes in an artificial neural network, namely LTI ODE-valued neural network (LTI ODEVNN), allows solving multiple problems at the same time using a single neural structure. Moreover, it is demonstrated that LTI ODEVNNs can be interpreted as complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs). Hence, research on this topic can be applied in a straightforward form. Standard boolean functions are implemented to illustrate the operation of LTI ODEVNNs. Concluding the paper, several future research lines are highlighted, including the need for developing learning algorithms for the newly introduced LTI ODEVNNs.Postprint (published version

    LTI ODE-valued neural networks

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    A dynamical version of the classical McCulloch & Pitts’ neural model is introduced in this paper. In this new approach, artificial neurons are characterized by: i) inputs in the form of differentiable continuous-time signals, ii) linear time-invariant ordinary differential equations (LTI ODE) for connection weights, and iii) activation functions evaluated in the frequency domain. It will be shown that this new characterization of the constitutive nodes in an artificial neural network, namely LTI ODE-valued neural network (LTI ODEVNN), allows solving multiple problems at the same time using a single neural structure. Moreover, it is demonstrated that LTI ODEVNNs can be interpreted as complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs). Hence, research on this topic can be applied in a straightforward form. Standard boolean functions are implemented to illustrate the operation of LTI ODEVNNs. Concluding the paper, several future research lines are highlighted, including the need for developing learning algorithms for the newly introduced LTI ODEVNNs

    Lowering traffic without sacrificing performance in networked control systems

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    In Networked Control Systems (NCS), the amount of control data exchanged between sensors, controllers and actuators nodes highly depends on the control performance specifications given to each networked control loop. The periodic execution of each loop helps meeting the control specifications while imposing a static network traffic. This paper presents an alternative execution mechanism for each networked control loop that permits to dynamically lower the traffic while ensuring the same or better control performance than the achieved by the periodic case. Simulation results illustrate the theoretical analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Fire safety of sandwich panels Summary report

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:7761.068(76) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Internet-based control of a ball-and-plate system: a case study of modeling and automatic code generation for networked control systems

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    The evolution of technology and application needs leads to design complex systems both at hardware and software levels. Modeling approaches and automatic code generation are mature techniques in several application areas to shorten devel- opment times even in complex applications. This paper introduces the application of these techniques to critical embedded systems such as networked control systems (NCS). In particular, the case of an Internet-based control of a ball&plate system is presented. The first part of the paper is devoted to the plant modeling and control design strategy taking into account the distributed layout. The second part covers the automatic code generation process: from ScicosLab diagrams, C code is automatically generated onto multiple and physically distributed threads, with the automatic synthesis of thread scheduling, communication and access to the I/O primitives for sampling and actuation. The case study corroborates that model-based design tools mastering NCS complexity can contribute to the success of future industrial projects.Peer Reviewe

    An alternative discrete-time model for networked control systems with time delay less than the sampling period

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    The majority of existing Networked Control Systems (NCS) models are discrete-time formulations based on the exact discretization of the continuous-time linear plant over a sample interval. In the state-space formalism, standard control textbooks suggest that a simple approach to model discrete-time LTI systems with time delay shorter or equal than the sampling period is to extend the state vector with a new state variable representing the last control signal, which implies increasing the order of the model by one. In this paper an alternative state-space model for discrete-time LTI systems with time delay is introduced that does not require increasing the order of the model. The relation between both the standard model and the new model is established, and the potential benefits of the new model with respect to the standard one are discussed. Numerical examples illustrate the concepts discussed throughout the paper.Peer Reviewe

    Networked sliding mode control of the double integrator system using the event-driven self-triggered approach

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    Sliding mode control (SMC) methods rely on applying a high-frequency switching control. In networked control systems (NCS), high-frequency operations/transactions are not desirable because communication bandwidth consumption increases dramatically. This paper studies the application of event-driven self-triggered techniques to sliding mode control over networks as a means for reducing the bandwidth utilization. To this end, sliding mode control with hysteresis is adopted and control updates are forced to only occur at the hysteresis band boundary. This paper elaborates on the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to ensure such operation for the case of the double integrator system. Simulation results illustrate the presented concepts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version